It’s a question we’ve heard many, many times. Well, the answer to this question is actually a story about an important meeting between an elephant, a great challenge and a cheese slicer, at the table of a Business Model Canvas.
This happened a number of years ago, when Ilie and Vlad (the founders of the company), best friends and colleagues, were faced with an important challenge during their lives as both students and full-time employees. The bachelor’s degree exam.
After they had successfully overcome that first great challenge in their lives, Ilie and Vlad received a present from the managers of the company that they were working for...let’s say that the present was a special object. Yes, we were quite surprised to hear that they got a “cheese slicer.”
But this intriguing present had not been chosen at random. It was meant to remind them that all big problems can be solved more efficiently if you cut them into smaller slices, just like you would do if you had to, let’s say, ingest an elephant.
After their victory on the battlefield, our 2 heroes didn’t build their hopes up and started looking for another “elephant” to match their bravery. They named it Thinslices and got to work.