Insights tagged "Team" (Page 2)

  • Alex Marciuc - 3 Jun 2020
    Getting a new project is always a rush but so is scaling up an existing one. A healthy business relies on a good balance of bigger projects and smaller ones. Diversity is also key, especially in challenging economic times. Today we’re going to be looking at the different types of scale-ups we’ve experienced so far and what are some of the best practices we’d recommend for each of them.
  • Alex Cristea - 20 May 2020
    When a project ends, some clients are not entirely sure what they should be asking from us. They know that the source code and documentation are owned by them but they're not entirely clear on the exact steps of the handover. To make this process easier for everyone involved, we created a checklist to ensure an efficient project handover. We started from the premise that other developers will work on that project in the future and we asked ourselves "What information would this new team need to be able to re-start the project independently from our initial work?"
  • Dan Diac - 8 May 2020
    As software service providers, we have to do our best to tilt those decisions (and their budgets) our way. One way we’ve discovered we can do that very well is by creating a functional proof of concept or a prototype to show potential customers what it would mean to work with us. This is the story of how we broke our winning streak of proof of concepts turned into long term projects and some of the lessons we learned along the way.
  • Ilie Ghiciuc - 4 Dec 2019
    Assuming you want to build an App that you want to launch as a product/service, and you are not undertaking this enterprise for fun, there are different approaches you can follow. We've done quite a bit of product development so we approach working on this project in a couple of phases. If you are doing it as a learning project probably some of the steps below are a bit of an overkill but it make still a good exercise.
  • Going the extra mile for a product we believe in
    Paula Cristea - 6 Nov 2019
    Founded in 2015 by Tahir Farooqui, Canopy set out to make the whole renting process easier, faster and completely digitized, to support consumers’ desire for flexible renting and the ability to move easily between rental properties.
  • Ilie Ghiciuc - 17 Mar 2019
    NPS is an important step in assessing the loyalty of our customers is determining the likelihood of them recommending our company to friends and family members who share the same commercial needs. Thanks to the Net Promoter Score (NPS) metric developed by Fred Reichheld and Laura Brooks, both B2B and B2C companies of all sizes and from all industries can now quantify customer loyalty.
  • Ilie Ghiciuc - 5 Nov 2018
    If you’re a (mobile) startup, you probably know how hard it is to keep everything (and everyone) organized. Developers, testers, marketers, designers, product managers, investors and every other stakeholder have to be constantly communicating, so that all project specifications are understood and simultaneously internalized.
  • Ilie Ghiciuc - 21 Sep 2018
    This is the first in a long series of articles on Scrum which are meant to serve as guidance for tech startups who are eager to start working efficiently and deliver functional products as soon as possible.
  • early_stage_warning_signs_header-1
    Cezara Pralea - 31 Aug 2018
    As an entrepreneur and startup founder, you have faith in your new business. You believe that investing time and effort into developing your idea, going to meetings, putting together a team, pitching to investors, and making a lot of sacrifices will pay off and your business will be successful. The reality is that 90% of startups fail, 10% of which during the very 1st year and 70% during years 2 to 5, according to Failory’s 2020 Report. Indirectly, this statistic emphasises how utterly bonkers one must be to still go ahead and found a startup against all these chilling odds.


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