Insights (Page 9)

  • Ilie Ghiciuc - 18 Aug 2020
    As technology advances, so do the behaviors of the users so, for us, keeping up with the latest research and statistics is both a necessity and a delight. We're aware that we process images 60.000 times faster than texts so we've prepared some infographics for all you data viz aficionados out there. Click to go straight to the infographics.
  • Cezara Pralea - 10 Aug 2020
    By definition, a thing that’s unique is “the only one of its kind”, consequently we can’t measure with complete accuracy something that’s entirely new. We can, however, recall from past projects certain patterns, some similarities that reduce the risk and increase the accuracy of our estimates. In software development, estimation is the process of predicting the most likely amount of effort (time and budget) required to build or maintain a software system. Only after going through the estimation process can we be comfortable to offer a price range for your digital product. But before explaining how we do estimates, let’s have a quick look at what typically happens after you make a request for proposal.
  • Lorina Busuioc - 28 Jul 2020
    Remember that episode from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. when Chandler decides to go into advertising and wants to create a new and innovative slogan for cheese, saying “Cheese. It’s milk that you chew.”? Very much like the cheese slogan, wheel and the login page, some things just don’t need to be reinvented.
  • Alex Cristea - 10 Jul 2020
    I am a full-time software developer at Thinslices, and I also have Team Leader responsibilities. Like many of us, for the past 4 months I’ve been working from home. I also have a toddler who is in his curiosity & house exploration stage. The good part is that it has a full-time mother, so I don't have to do too much kid management 😂.
  • Lucian Vasiliu - 25 Jun 2020
    Today we’re taking a look at AWS Amplify. If you’re not familiar with it, Amplify is a development platform for building secure, scalable mobile and web applications provided by AWS. Moving away from the commercial definition of it, you’ll also hear AWS Amplify being described as a framework that provides products to build full-stack iOS, Android, Web, and React Native apps.
  • Paula Cristea - 18 Jun 2020
    Effective management of digital transformation is vital but challenging. This was the pre-pandemic reality. Even companies who had the right digital strategy in place ran a high risk of failure because of its execution. A 2019 McKinsey briefing points out that failure to be effective happened five times more often than success. Now, with the added pressures of social isolation, working from home, and generally living online, going digital is no longer an option to consider but a required next step. While some companies have made preliminary steps in this direction, others were caught off-guard by these last few months and find themselves without strategy and execution altogether.
  • Alex Marciuc - 3 Jun 2020
    Getting a new project is always a rush but so is scaling up an existing one. A healthy business relies on a good balance of bigger projects and smaller ones. Diversity is also key, especially in challenging economic times. Today we’re going to be looking at the different types of scale-ups we’ve experienced so far and what are some of the best practices we’d recommend for each of them.


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